Technical Specifications
- Ø 4″ x 10″ Long Filter Bag (1 to 27 Nos. Bag per housing)
- Ø 4″ x 17″ Long Filter Bag (1 to 27 Nos. Bag per housing)
- Ø 7″ x 17″ Long Filter Bag (1 to 27 Nos. Bag per housing)
- Ø 7″ x 32″ Long Filter Bag (1 to 27 Nos. Bag per housing)
- SS 316L
- SS 316
- SS 304
- Super Duplex, Duplex Stainless steel
- LEAD LINING on Any Metal
- RUBBER LINING on Any Metal
- PTFE LINING on Any Metal
- NPT / BSP Threaded
- Flanged Table E / Table F
- ANSI B 16.5 Flanged
- DIN Standard
- Tri Clover Adaptors
- SMS /Dairy End Connection
- Customized (as per your requirement)
- ASME Section VIII Devision-1
- GEP (Good Manufacturing Practice)
- U-stamp
- PED 97/23/EC
- CE marking
- PP Collar Bag
- Rubber Collar Bag
- Snap Band Bag
- Rigid Ring Bag
- Flange Collar Bag
- Neoprene
- Nitrile
- Silicone
- Viton
- Buna N
- Capacity: Up to 2000 m3 /hr & more.
- Water, DM Water, Waster Water
- Paints & Inks
- Solvent
- Oil
- Coolant Filtration
- Pharmaceuticals
- Process Chemicals
- Resins & Adhesive
325. Block-D, Sumel-8, Old Bharat Bobin Mill,
Nr. Ajit Mill Char Rasta, Rakhiyal, Ahmedabad-380023, Gujarat, India.
Email : [email protected] / [email protected] Mobile. No.: +91 9974405037 / 9974405049
©2019. DGS. All Rights Reserved.
Developed and Managed by Oracle
325. Block-D, Sumel-8, Old Bharat Bobin Mill,
Nr. Ajit Mill Char Rasta, Rakhiyal, Ahmedabad-380023, Gujarat, India.
Email : [email protected] / [email protected]
Mobile. No.: +91 9974405037 / 9974405049
©2022. DGS. All Rights Reserved.
Developed and Managed by Oracle